General Medical Supplies Limited Incorporation Date 18 April 2018 (about 5 years ago) Ref No: Company Number 2682619, General Medical Supplies primarily targets the need for Medical Equipment and supplies. A goal we strive to achieve is, to be affordable whilst still offering Service Excellence and Quality Products, as it is our desire to assist our customers and the final end User to the best of our ability. It is our goal to be a solid, reliable, and dependable player in the Medical Supplies arena in order to foster healthy relationships with our Customers, hereby encouraging loyalty and longevity for all players concerned.

In our efforts to achieve this we further endeavor to make our working environment a pleasant, team-driven one as unity can only but strengthen Medical Medical Supplies. Treating Staff with excellence enhances their drive to offer Customer excellence. We have a range of products which we manufacture in the house which allows us to produce the quality, we seek to proliferate. We make all efforts to source additional, quality products, and in so doing we do look to source locally wherever possible. If the required product is not available locally, we will import, as is necessary, in order to meet our customers’ needs.

We specialize in modern day Hospital Furniture, Consumables, Diagnostics and Equipment. We are  registered Wholesaler and Distributor. Our service extend throughout the  Continent.

Our team have the desire to provide a professional , uninterrupted and secure service to their clients. Customer satisfaction and service excellence lie in our strengths. We aim to build on values of trustworthiness and to build strong relationships and partnerships with our clients and stategic partners and suppliers. We will maintain the highest levels of expertise to enable us to deliver on our values.